May 13-17 2026
Mark your calendars, the next AMEA Reunion will be held
Providence / Newport, Rhode Island.
"At our 2024 AMEA reunion in Colorado Springs, two of our flight nurse members, Harriet (Goffinet) Neill and Marcia (Wirtz) Tate had the rewarding and delightful experience of sharing breakfast with one of the surviving orphans of the C-5 that crashed in Vietnam on April 5th, 1975. This was the first of many Operation Babylift evacuation flights during the fall of Vietnam. Aryn Lockhart, now an adult, was an infant living in a Seventh Day Adventist orphanage at the time of the crash when President Ford commissioned the first evacuation flight. Aryn has accomplished several of her life goals, including a rewarding education obtaining a master’s degree and adopting three children herself! In addition, she currently serves as a speech writer to the Commandant of Cadets at the Air Force Academy, VIPs, and other dignitaries. More significantly, she lives by her own motto of "pay it forward." Having become an "adopted" daughter and family member of Colonel Regina Aune, also a flight nurse on the C-5 (sadly, Regina passed away earlier this year), Aryn and Regina returned together to Vietnam in 2014. Together they collaborated on their memories of that time and place entitled "A Memoir of Hope and Healing," published in 2018. It's an absorbing, fascinating, and heartfelt read!"
MPORTANT: The New dues amount was overwhelmingly approved by the membership and are as follows: Biennial - $50.00 and Lifetime - $200.00.
Show your Aeromedical Evacuation pride!!!
Browse the online store, located upper right hyper link and bottom right-hand corner of this page, and proudly wear or use any of the items you find there to show your support
Welcome to the AeroMed Evac Association (AMEA) website. Use the menu bar at the top of this screen to navigate around the web site. To visit the “members only” section, click the “Member Login” link on the menu bar.
It is a gift to treasure when you rekindle old friendships and make new ones. We extend a cordial invitation to all of you in the Aeromedical family to join the Association. The AMEA was formed to enable those with a ‘common core of experience’ to become a part of an organization dedicated to encouraging camaraderie, preserving memories and the ongoing legacy/history of AE, and maintaining/expanding a network of members who share an absolutely unique experience. This invitation extends to all personnel in all branches of the service (Reserve, National Guard, Active Duty) who serve, or formerly served, in ANY capacity in an aeromedical evacuation or support unit, including their widows/widowers and children.
In many cases working in AE was the high point of an individual’s military career. The friendships made are special and truly outlast both time and distance. So, if you’ve ever reminisced about your Air Evac days or wished you could reconnect with old friends and make new ones, you’ve come to the right place. AMEA offers the opportunity to share all of those old memories and to create new ones. Remember, you are an integral part of the AE story and moreover, you are family. So come travel with us to scenic and fun-filled reunion sites every two years. We look forward to meeting you in person! Click on the Events tab on the menu bar above for upcoming reunion details.
NOTE: Be advised that the Members Area of the website is password protected and available to AMEA members only. If you have requested an account for ‘Member Only’ Access, but are not currently a paid member, you may JOIN now by clicking the Join/Renew icon on the top left corner of this page. If you are unable to login and you are a life member or are currently paid up with your membership dues, use the “Forgotten password?” feature on the login screen to recover your username and password. If you are still unable to login, click “Contact Us!” and enter the details of your problem into the email form then send it to Donald Raab, AMEA Secretary for resolution:
Mark your calendars, the next AMEA Reunion will be held May 2026 in Providence / Newport, Rhode Island.
AMEA Trifold Brochure
May 13-17 2026
Mark your calendars, the next AMEA Reunion will be held
Providence / Newport, Rhode Island.
"At our 2024 AMEA reunion in Colorado Springs, two of our flight nurse members, Harriet (Goffinet) Neill and Marcia (Wirtz) Tate had the rewarding and delightful experience of sharing breakfast with one of the surviving orphans of the C-5 that crashed in Vietnam on April 5th, 1975. This was the first of many Operation Babylift evacuation flights during the fall of Vietnam. Aryn Lockhart, now an adult, was an infant living in a Seventh Day Adventist orphanage at the time of the crash when President Ford commissioned the first evacuation flight. Aryn has accomplished several of her life goals, including a rewarding education obtaining a master’s degree and adopting three children herself! In addition, she currently serves as a speech writer to the Commandant of Cadets at the Air Force Academy, VIPs, and other dignitaries. More significantly, she lives by her own motto of "pay it forward." Having become an "adopted" daughter and family member of Colonel Regina Aune, also a flight nurse on the C-5 (sadly, Regina passed away earlier this year), Aryn and Regina returned together to Vietnam in 2014. Together they collaborated on their memories of that time and place entitled "A Memoir of Hope and Healing," published in 2018. It's an absorbing, fascinating, and heartfelt read!"
MPORTANT: The New dues amount was overwhelmingly approved by the membership and are as follows: Biennial - $50.00 and Lifetime - $200.00.
Show your Aeromedical Evacuation pride!!!
Browse the online store, located upper right hyper link and bottom right-hand corner of this page, and proudly wear or use any of the items you find there to show your support
Welcome to the AeroMed Evac Association (AMEA) website. Use the menu bar at the top of this screen to navigate around the web site. To visit the “members only” section, click the “Member Login” link on the menu bar.
It is a gift to treasure when you rekindle old friendships and make new ones. We extend a cordial invitation to all of you in the Aeromedical family to join the Association. The AMEA was formed to enable those with a ‘common core of experience’ to become a part of an organization dedicated to encouraging camaraderie, preserving memories and the ongoing legacy/history of AE, and maintaining/expanding a network of members who share an absolutely unique experience. This invitation extends to all personnel in all branches of the service (Reserve, National Guard, Active Duty) who serve, or formerly served, in ANY capacity in an aeromedical evacuation or support unit, including their widows/widowers and children.
In many cases working in AE was the high point of an individual’s military career. The friendships made are special and truly outlast both time and distance. So, if you’ve ever reminisced about your Air Evac days or wished you could reconnect with old friends and make new ones, you’ve come to the right place. AMEA offers the opportunity to share all of those old memories and to create new ones. Remember, you are an integral part of the AE story and moreover, you are family. So come travel with us to scenic and fun-filled reunion sites every two years. We look forward to meeting you in person! Click on the Events tab on the menu bar above for upcoming reunion details.
NOTE: Be advised that the Members Area of the website is password protected and available to AMEA members only. If you have requested an account for ‘Member Only’ Access, but are not currently a paid member, you may JOIN now by clicking the Join/Renew icon on the top left corner of this page. If you are unable to login and you are a life member or are currently paid up with your membership dues, use the “Forgotten password?” feature on the login screen to recover your username and password. If you are still unable to login, click “Contact Us!” and enter the details of your problem into the email form then send it to Donald Raab, AMEA Secretary for resolution:
Mark your calendars, the next AMEA Reunion will be held May 2026 in Providence / Newport, Rhode Island.